Tuesday, June 5, 2007

People and music

What is your favorite kind of music? Ever sat down and asked yourself why is it my favorite kind of music?
My favorite kind of music is Hip Hop and RnB. Why? Well I listen to Hip Hop in a normal day or a stressful day because the beat just makes me want to dance and I smile when listening to it. Now as for RnB I listen to that to feel the love flowing through my veigns. But sometimes I ask myself do I love those kind of music because of that or is it because I want to follow the crowd?
Sometimes I listen to Rock then again I listen to Blues and there are times I even listen to Opera. And in all cases I like it and maybe even love it.
Now I think that music talks to your emotions and a
human person has so many emotions. And deep down we listen to all music and the reason we choose a favorite kind is probably to follow the crowd.
So what do you think does your favorite music express who you are, what you feel or does it express the group of people you follow? Leave a comment with your answers.

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